
When you log in to the New User Experience, the Dashboard appears by default.

OneSpan Sign Dashboard


The following sections describe various aspects of the Dashboard:

The above image of the Dashboard does not display most text, since that text depends on your selected language. The content that appears also depends on: (1) the features enabled for your account; (2) your permissions.

Navigation Bar

The Menu Bar and Icons appears across the top of the Dashboard (and across many other pages in the New User Experience).

Once you log in, the menu bar across the top of your screen enables you to access the following aspects of the application. From left to right, the Menu Bar displays the following controls:

Menu Item Description
Dashboard The Dashboard provides a summary of account information, and a quick view of recent transactions.
Transactions A transaction is the experience of a OneSpan Sign user as they review, accept, sign, and potentially download documents. These can be fully managed from the Transactions page.
Templates Templates enable you to predefine recipients, documents, and signature fields. Reusing templates enables you to automate future transactions. You can also define Layouts, which enable you to save and reuse prepared documents. These can be managed from the Templates page.
Reports Reports display the number of transactions for each sender on an account. Reports can be viewed only by the account owner and by OneSpan Sign Admins. This information can be accessed from the Account Summary Report page.
Admin The Admin menu provides access to various Administrators functions. Items in the Administrator menu are available based on your account permissions.

From left to right, the Icons display the following controls:

Icon Description


(Icon with 3 people) Clicking this displays the Manage Delegation page.
Language Selector (Planet Earth icon) Clicking this displays a drop-down menu from which you can select the language you want the New User Experience to display.
Account Head icon Clicking this provides access to the following personal account options:
- My Account Selecting this displays the My Account page.
- Switch to Classic UI Selecting this switches to the Classic User Experience. This option is not available if Roles and Permissions have been enabled. It has also been unavailable to new users since July 2020 (Release 11.35), when we deprecated the Classic User Experience for Senders and Administrators.
- Walkthrough Selecting this displays the interactive tutorial that illustrates how to create a transaction, and then distribute it for signing.
- Log out Clicking this logs you out of the New User Experience.

New Transaction

Clicking the NEW TRANSACTION button enables you to quickly Create a New Transaction.

Account Summary

The pie chart in the Account Summary displays your transactions during the past 30 days, grouped by the following transaction statuses:

Transaction Status Description
IN PROGRESS Transactions that have been sent out for signing, but are not yet signed by all recipients.
COMPLETED Transactions that have been signed by all recipients, and have been marked as Complete.
DRAFT Transactions that are not yet sent.
CANCELLED Transactions that have been either Opted Out of or Declined.

The dashboard displays up to 1000 transactions.

My Transactions

The My Transactions section of the Dashboard displays more summary information about your transactions. If you are accessing the Dashboard as the delegate of a different user, that user’s data is displayed. My Transactions shows only the transactions that were created during the past 30 days.

Transaction Status Description
REQUIRES MY SIGNATURE Displays the number of transactions that require the user's signature. If you click this link, it will take you to the Transactions Inbox, which will be filtered for transactions that require your signature.
COMPLETED Displays the number of transactions that: (1) were created by the user, or on which the user is a recipient; (2) have been marked as completed. If you click this link, it will take you to the Transactions Inbox, which will be filtered for transactions that are marked as completed.
EXPIRING SOON Displays the number of transactions that: (1) were created by the user, or on which the user is a signer; (2) have been sent, and will expire soon. If you click this link, it will take you to the Transactions Inbox, which will be filtered for transactions that will expire soon.
IN PROGRESS Displays the number of transactions that: (1) were created by the user, or on which the user is a signer; (2) have not been completed. If you click this link, it will take you to the Transactions Inbox, which will be filtered for transactions that have been sent.

Recent Transactions

The Recent Transactions section of the Dashboard displays the 10 latest transactions, based on the last modified date from your Inbox. If you are accessing the Dashboard as the delegate of a different user, that user’s data is displayed. The following columns appear:

Column Description
Transaction Name Clicking the name of a transaction does one of the following:
  • If it is your turn to sign, it opens the Signer Experience for the transaction.
  • If it is not your turn to sign, it opens the transaction's main page.
Recipients Lists the recipients in the transaction. If not all recipients can be displayed, the number of undisplayed recipients appears. To display the remaining recipients, click the number to expand the row.
Created Date Displays the date when a transaction was created.
Last Activity Displays the date on which the transaction was last updated.
Status Displays the transaction's status.
View all To view a full list of transactions, click View all, and go to the Transactions Inbox page.

Video Tutorial


Starting with the 11.42 release of OneSpan Sign, the Classic User Experience is no longer supported for SaaS customers. This section is thus only intended for on-premises customers who have not yet migrated to our Container deployment.


If you are new to OneSpan Sign, you can familiarize yourself with the various navigation components and toolbars, as well as with the four folders used to organize document packages.

The following image identifies various elements of the OneSpan Sign interface.

The rest of this page describes the following elements of the OneSpan Sign interface:


This section describes the following items:

Global Navigation Toolbar

After logging in, the following Global Navigation Toolbar is visible in the top-right corner of the page:

The following sections describe the elements on that toolbar:

Global Actions Toolbar

The Global ActionsToolbar appears below the OneSpan Sign Toolbar when one or more global actions are available. The Global ActionsToolbar is context-sensitive, and dynamically decides what actions are available to you based on your current selection.

The Global ActionsToolbar may include the following items:

  • Save Template: Saves the settings of the current Document Package as a new template.
  • Create Template: Creates a new Document Package template from scratch.
  • Trash: Deletes the selected Document Package.
  • Settings: Enables you to edit the package name, and modify advanced options.
  • Opt out: Enables a signer to opt out of signing the Document Package.
  • Send: Sends the Document Package to signers.
  • Prepare to Send: Opens the Designer, which enables you to add Signature Boxes and fields to a document.
  • Save Layout: Saves the current Designer view as a new layout, including all Signature Boxes and fields.
  • Apply Layout: Applies a previously saved layout to the current document.

Package Toolbar & Progress Bar

Each document in the Documents List has a toolbar, as well as a Progress Bar that indicates the number of signatures within it that still need to be signed.

In the Inbox, Drafts, Archived, and Trashed folders, each document has a Package Toolbar to assist with the management of the associated package. To see the purpose of a toolbar button, hovering your mouse over the button displays its guidance annotation.

With the exception of the Electronic Disclosure and Signature Consent, the toolbar contains the following three buttons:

  • Prepare: Provides quick access to document preparation, so you can specify signature areas and required signers for the document.
  • Edit: Enables you to change a document's name or description. By default: (1) the document name is based on the file name; (2) no description is provided.
  • Delete: Removes the document from the list of documents.

Signer Toolbar

Every signer in the Signers list has their own Signer Toolbar, which contains the following two options:

  • Edit: Enables you to change the signer's information (e.g., their name, email address, and authentication method).
  • Delete: Removes the signer from the Signers list.

Supported Languages

OneSpan Sign is available in the following languages:

LanguageValue in the Code
български (Bulgarian)[bg]
English (United States)[en]
English (United Kingdom)[en-GB]
Dansk (Danish)[da]
Deutsch (German)[de]
Español (América Latina)[es]
Español (España)[es-ES]
Français (French)[fr]
Italiano (Italian)[it]
Nederlands (Dutch)[nl]
Norsk - Bokmål (Norwegian)[nb]
Português (Portuguese)[pt]
Polski (Polish)[pl]
Română (Romanian)[ro]
Pусский (Russian)[ru]
Ελληνικά (Greek)[el]
中文简体 (Chinese - Simplified)[zh-CN]
中文繁體 (Chinese - Traditional)[zh-TW]
日本語 (Japanese)[ja]
한국어 (Korean)[ko]

اللغة العربية (Arabic)

Available only in the Signer Experience


Although senders can specify any of the above languages, a Mobile Signing Ceremony can display information only in English, Français, Deutsch, Português, and Español. If any other language is specified, the Mobile Signing Ceremony will default to English.


The following Global Navigation folders can help you manage your document packages:

You can access these folders via their associated tabs.

Inbox Folder

Your Inbox contains all the document packages you have sent. From here, you can view a package's completion status. In the toolbar for managing the document package, you can:

  • Download all files
  • Save the package as a template. See Templates Folder
  • Delete the package
  • Archive the package

The above image of the Inbox folder indicates that two packages have been sent. For the Term Insurance Application package, you (the package owner) were required to sign once, and you have done so. Ann Balak's signature is required in two places, but she hasn’t yet signed either one. The Mortgage and Insurance Application package is complete, as indicated by the associated checkmark. This means that all signers have signed their documents, all signatures have been digitally applied, and all documents have a tamper-evident seal.

Drafts Folder

The Drafts folder lists the document packages you have created, but have not yet sent. For each package, a toolbar contains several buttons for managing the package. You can:

  • Prepare Documents by placing signatures for each signer
  • Save the package as a template. See Templates Folder
  • Edit the document's information
  • Delete the document

To open a package to add signers or documents, click the package name.

Templates Folder

Templates are a quick way to recall package settings that you might want to re-use (e.g., signers, signer workflow, signature settings, field settings).

The Templates folder contains all the templates you have saved, or that have been shared with you by other signers on your account.

To create a template:

  1. From the Global Navigation Toolbar, click Templates.
  2. From the Global Actions Toolbar, click Create Template.
  3. In the Name dialog box, give the new template a descriptive name (required).
    • Optional: Give the template a description.
    • Optional: You can make the template shareable by clicking the Share Template check box.
    • Optional: You can use an existing template as a starting point for this new template by selecting it from the Template drop-down menu.
  4. Click Create. A template is created.
  5. You can now add signers, documents, and signatures to your template. They will be saved for future use.

Groups Folder

Sometimes it's convenient to share signature requests among all members of a group. Consider a drug store where multiple pharmacists are on shift at the same time. The head office could identify all pharmacists in that store as a single group, so that any available member can sign the paperwork required to deliver drugs.

In OneSpan Sign, a group is a collection of OneSpan Sign users who can act as a single signer from the point of view of the package creator. For a user to be eligible to become a group member, they must already be a member of the account.

The Groups folder displays the groups on your account.

Archived Folder

The list of packages in your Inbox may eventually become rather long. You can reduce the size of your Inbox by archiving those packages to which you no longer need immediate access. For each package, a toolbar contains several buttons for managing the package:

  • Download all files
  • Save the document package as a Templates Folder
  • Delete the package

Only the document owner can download documents from an archived package, and these packages are no longer accessible to signers.

Trashed Folder

The Trashed folder lists the document packages you have deleted. For each package, a toolbar contains buttons for managing the package. You can:

  • Recover a document back to the Inbox
  • Delete the package permanently